
20 Jun Manuel Dimech Bridge

Demolition and reconstruction of Malta’s longest beam bridge, 130m in length and 32m wide. This bridge was the first post tensioning bridge project in Malta and it was completed in 18 months....

20 Jun M.C.M. Group Hangar

An approved FAA Repair Station that offers Base and Line Maintenance for the entire Bombardier range of Business Aviation aircraft. Works consisted of demolition and excavation works, construction of hangar foundations, construction of apron and hangar floor, construction of an ancillary building and construction of...

19 Jun Waste Transfer and Materials Recovery Facility, Tal-Kus, Gozo

The €10 million facility, which is a first for Gozo, will sort and store waste before it is transferred to Malta.   This state-of-the-art facility has three main functions. Primarily, the Materials Recovery Facility will provide the necessary pre-treatment for dry recyclables, mainly from bring-in-sites and households, so that they can be sorted...